What is Matrabhumitah

The Aim

Our aim is to give Indian artists a platform to showcase their work, gain recognition and preserve their art form.

The Name

Matrabhumitah translates to 'from the motherland' referring to the provenance of the art we promote.

The Event

We are hosting an exhibition highlighting underrepresented art forms and artists.

Our Mission

At Matrabhumitah, we are passionate about celebrating the rich cultural heritage of India by shining a spotlight on the diverse and often overlooked artistic traditions that span the length and breadth of the country. Our mission is to provide a platform where artists from various backgrounds, regions, and communities can share their unique talents and stories with the world. From traditional folk art to contemporary expressions, we believe in fostering a deeper appreciation for the artistic tapestry that makes India truly extraordinary. Join us on this enriching journey of discovery, exploration, and celebration of Indian art and culture.